Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why oh Why????? Bring on the lists...

OK, I have an assignment for you. I was just listening to my Jillian podcast and she asked WHAT DO YOU WANT?

So... What do YOU want... why do you want this? Do you want to wear a bikini? Do you want to wear those jeans you haven't been able to zip for the last three years? Do you want to run a 5K? Do you want to be able to walk a flight of stairs and not be out of breath at the end?

Honesty...I haven't been blogging because I've been a bit out of the game. I tried to wear a pair of capri's that TOTALLY fit this last spring, but nope, not the other day!!! UGH! I went the wrong way people!!! I don't know why. I'm trying to figure it out. I know it's because I've been a gym skipper and a snacker like NONE other, but WHY? AS I figure that out, the Why, I'm going to look at the above WHY. I'm thinking that to find my new motivation to keep me going after doing this for a whole year, that it will do me well to relook at WHAT I want and WHY I want it.
I challenge you to join in the fun. :)

(And my computer is back up and running, so I'll be able to blog much more regularly! YAY) So keep reading. :)

And those of you who don't want to comment on here, can totally e-mail me your list. I really want to read them. Even if you're not doing it yet, send me your lists people!!!

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